I try to use the Summer Holidays as a chance to reflect on the year that was so that I can also try and plan for the year ahead. I've used many resources, planners, diaries and other things to help me in this process. Sometimes the reflection process has looked similar and other times it has chopped and changed a bit. Before you spend time researching best homeschooling curriculum in Australia or try to develop an in depth homeschooling booklist, you might like to have a read of these 3 tips below. I thought it might be time to do a blog post on the things that I've fairly consistently done in my planning for the next homeschooling year.

This is always the first step for me before I can get to organising the room, resources or activities for the following year. If you are holding onto resources and curriculum because you are holding onto an IDEA of what you want your homeschooling journey to look like, then you might find THIS POST helpful. It has tips on how to let go of your 'fantasy-homeschooling-self'. Being honest about what you need can be so freeing. Ask yourself why you are holding onto something. If you can justify your why, then hold onto it! If you can't, then let it go.
One of my fave Netflix shows is The Home Edit. I love how the Clea and Joanna talk about items that are occupying 'prime real estate' in a space or home. It makes so much sense to me because I know in our home, when we moved in here 10 years ago, we kind of unpacked and that's just how we've kept it. I know it shouldn't be like that but without intention, sometimes it's just easier to keep things the way they've always been, right? When we take stock (usually at this time of year for me) I can really ask myself....is this the best use of my 'prime real estate' aka the best part of a space? The prime real estate in our narrow homeschooling room is the HUGE learning room table we have which takes up the majority of the space. It was so helpful when we had 5 fidgety, squirmy bodies around that table but now that we are down to two, we are instead finding that table more of a dumping place. And indeed, it is taking up prime real estate space! If that table wasn't so big, we'd probably be able to create a dedicated sewing area for Zip and access the bookshelves we have easier (rather than having to walk around the entire length of our table). Right now, the table remains but over the coming days, it will be going and I'll be on the hunt for a smaller round table to upcycle for that space. Evaluating our prime real estate every now and then is so helpful! For you it might be evaluating how you use your shelving, or your walls or space under your cupboards. Are you using the best parts of your space in the best way for your family? INVOLVE THE KIDDOS
I always ask the kiddos what they would like to do the following year. It's such a broad question though that often they can't really narrow it down and need a little help. Years ago I created a template that they could fill in at the start of each year. It helped them to brainstorm by asking questions like, 'who would you like to spend more time with this year?' or 'what field trips would you like to take?' Sometimes, I give these sheets to my kids to do half way through the year as well. It always gives us a chance to think, express ourselves and be heard.
I have made a revised version of this accessible to you this year for FREE. For a limited time, I've popped these pages into this post for you to use. I have a full version of this planner and a FULL 50+ page planner in my Resource Library for my members but I'm making this lite version available for you too ;) If you do share this, all I ask is that you link back to this post please. Thanks!
Well there you have it. A few things that help me in preparing for the homeschooling year ahead. Of course, there's always rearranging and our prep for our first day stationery tradition but thought I'd leave it there for now. What would you add to this list? Wishing you all a very happy new year to come. Hugs, Lusi x