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Writer's picture: Lusi AustinLusi Austin

Looking at this first photo from about 7 years ago, I'm reminded that it's NEVER too early to intentionally include your kids in learning.

That day, the older 3 kiddos had been doing a science experiment learning about how clouds and rain form. I'd found an experiment that looked fun and initially had just done the experiment with the older 3. The little ones wanted to be apart of it all though too and so I did a second one just for them. They got to put the shaving cream on top and watch the dye drip down through the foam into the water. There were "oooohs!" and 'aaaah!" and I could see their sense of curiosity being further awakened.

Curiosity is so important because it encourages the mind to be active. It leads us to seek answers to questions, to be captivated by wonder and helps us to process information.

My Zippi (who was about 4 in this photo) and her brother Zeeki about 2.5 years old participating in a science experiment even with a dummy in his mouth.

Last week my friend Jen was visiting for a cuppa. While we were chatting on the lounge, Zeeki (now 9) was sitting at the computer after busying himself in the kitchen. I asked him what he was up to and he said he was wanting to speed up the vinegar/bouncing egg experiment he'd started the day before. I asked him how he planned to do that and why he thought it would work. He chatted about his responses. He made his predictions then we piled outside to see what would happen.

(Zeeki with his egg for one of his experiments)

(He'd read that adding hi-lighter fluid could help to speed up the process)

(He created labels and a control to compare with on the first day of his experiment)

(Ready to try out his hi-lighter fluid egg)

My friend Jen was struck by the fact that although only 9, Zeeki was able to occupy himself with something that was interesting him. I could see that he was really applying the process of the scientific method well by himself. He can do this because it has been something we have done a lot of over the years and we have incorporated it into our daily life. We haven't saved up questions for 'science lessons only'. We have tried our best to encourage curiosity in our everyday life and learning.

{For those interested, Zeeki's experiment with the hi-lighter fluid showed that the addition of said fluid didn't speed up the process and he has now decided to wait the full week before seeing if the vinegar egg will bounce.}

Not sure how to encourage curiosity in your kiddos?

Ask questions that provoke more thought like: "What do you think will happen next?" " Why do you think that occurred?"

"What could have happened if we had changed x,y or z?" Let your kiddos work through and try out solutions to problems.

Let them process it and give them the time and space to conduct their experiments where possible.

Provide them with the tools to become curious.

For us this has meant having things like microscopes, books with easy experiments, science cards, watching fun shows about science and discussing ideas together.

Engage with enthusiasm.

Never underestimate how infectious YOUR enthusiasm can be. It can bring life, encourage wonder and a sense of awe. Facilitating their own desire to be inquisitive can help our children's passion for learning stay alive. We added some excitement in one year when I asked what might happen if we tried to sail eggs from the top of the carport roof. It was such a memorable afternoon!

Use a science template.

We use what we call our 'science helper' which is a template with prompts that walks you through the scientific method. My kids have found this easy to use over the years and know that they fill out the science helper when they do an experiment. You can find our science helper in our template bundle #1 or in THL Membership.

(This is one of our pages that our kiddos fill out for the 'science helper'. It helps them understand the scientific method more. You can find our science helper in our template bundle #1 or in THL Membership. )

Happy learning and living (+ engaging curiosity!), Lusi x


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